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Congratulations, Sophia Rodriguez!

“Two weeks ago I graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Savannah College of Art and Design with a BFA in Architecture. I was also the recipient of the Alpha Rho Chi Bronze Medal for Service, for my leadership roles within AIAS and Freedom by Design.

It feels incredible to have made it this far, and this is just the beginning! I am grateful to announce that SCAD has selected me as a Deans Fellow, supporting me with a full scholarship to pursue a MFA in Architecture. For the next three years I will be in an Integrated Program (IPAL) working on getting my professional license alongside my degree. I always knew hard work pays off, but its more apparent now than ever.

The past two weeks have been full of bittersweet goodbyes and exciting beginnings. For now, I am setting up my first apartment living on my own and working full time with Felder & Associates Architecture and Interior Design until school kicks back up in the fall. One year in at this firm and I couldn’t be happier.

There is so much to look forward to ahead. It is difficult to articulate my gratitude for the present and excitement for the future. A lot is happening all at once but I wouldn’t trade any of it. Thank you dearly to everyone who played a part in getting me here. Cheers to the class of 2021!”

Sarah Rodriguez