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Program Team

Brian Felder, AIA, LEED AP

*Completed while a partner at Potincy, Deering, Felder, PC.

Project Description

The simplicity and intimacy of small country churches and New England chapels appealed to the clients and drove the design direction for this project. The result was a charming church that blends beautifully with the coastal influences of Skidaway Island and Savannah.

Messiah Lutheran Fellowship - Felder & Associates - Savannah, GA
Messiah Lutheran Fellowship - Felder & Associates - Savannah, GA
Messiah Lutheran Fellowship - Felder & Associates - Savannah, GA
Messiah Lutheran Fellowship - Felder & Associates - Savannah, GA
Messiah Lutheran Fellowship - Felder & Associates - Savannah, GA
Messiah Lutheran Fellowship - Felder & Associates - Savannah, GA
Messiah Lutheran Fellowship - Felder & Associates - Savannah, GA
Messiah Lutheran Fellowship - Felder & Associates - Savannah, GA
Messiah Lutheran Fellowship - Felder & Associates - Savannah, GA
Messiah Lutheran Fellowship - Felder & Associates - Savannah, GA